Welcome to
St. George Tropeoforos Greek Orthodox Church

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
New York, NY

About Us

Saint George Tropeoforos Greek Orthodox Church has served the community since 1923. Under the leadership and guidance of our priest, Father Sophronios Vomend, Saint George continues to serve a diverse community of Orthodox Christians and guests in Midtown Manhattan.

With the help of our generous members and stewards, we have been able to continue to update the interior and exterior of the church over the years.
We welcome all members, visitors, and future stewards of Saint George.

Trisagion Films released a YouTube video about Saint George the Great Martyr. Check it out below!

Bible Study with Father Sophronios takes place on the first and third Thursdays of the month. Get more details here.

Iconography & other additions to the church
As we refurbish Saint George, we have created a list of needs within the church. Check out the opportunities here.

Interested in learning more about the Orthodox Faith? Join our weekly Catechumenate Course. Learn more here.

The restoration of Saint George façade is complete! Click the image to learn more about our Capital Campaign.

Photo: Michael Silverwise

The Saint George Greek Orthodox Community was first established in 1923 at 451 West 39th Street in New York City. On June 11, 1940, Saint George Tropeoforos Greek Orthodox Church was formally incorporated. On April 30, 1943, our current home at 307 West 54th Street was purchased. Our 100-year-old community continues to thrive!

Today, we are a growing community that welcomes members, visitors, and guests during the Divine Liturgy each Sunday, throughout Great Lent and Holy Week and on holidays throughout the year. We encourage you to join us at our warm and welcoming parish.

Sunday, February 16: Stewardship Sunday

Join us this Sunday for Stewardship Sunday. Following Divine Liturgy, three parishioners will share what Saint George means to them. Make your Stewardship 2025 pledge today.

Sponsor Coffee Hour at Saint George!

Fellowship after Divine Liturgy is an extension of our spiritual life as it allows us to connect with others within the community.

We are looking for sponsors to host fellowship after Divine Liturgy on Sundays throughout the year.

The cost to sponsor one Sunday is $80. If interested, email us at StGeorgeChurchNYC@gmail.com or talk to a Parish Council member after church on Sundays.

Saint George Visiting Hours

Saint George’s doors are open every Sunday for Orthros and Divine Liturgy. Please see the schedule below for additional services throughout the month.

We look forward to seeing you at Saint George!

Welcome! Our vibrant community has great activities for all. Join us as a member of Philoptochos; participate in our Bible Study; become a student in our Catechumenate Course; volunteer with our Marilena’s Meals program, and more.

Sunday Services

Orthros: 9:15 am
Divine Liturgy: 10:30 am
Live streaming available on our Facebook page

Calendar of Events