Capital Campaign

Exterior Restoration of Saint George has begun!

We are pleased to announce that we have contracted with a firm for the exterior restoration of Saint George at West 54th Street. The work began in December 2023 and is expected to be completed in the March/April 2024 time frame.

This restoration is the result of many years of both fundraising and planning. We are happy that we will be making a “50-year investment” in our community. Here are several highlights of the restoration, which include both “seen” and “unseen” items:

  • A signature piece: a new (and insulated) stained glass window of our patron saint, St. George
  • Repair, replacement, and cleaning of brickwork
  • Refurbished stairs
  • New railings
  • New exterior lighting
  • New signage
  • New steel underground framework to address our collapsing sidewalk
  • New support system for the failing stained glass upper lintel 

As our community is very much active, there will be no disruption in the activities and operation of the church during this renovation.

We would like to thank all who have supported this effort—we are indebted to you! While the majority of fundraising has been completed, the Capital Fund is still open for contributions so we can fully complete this effort. Let’s work to ensure that our 1886 building is prepared for the future!

Feel free to contact us if you would like to contribute. Email or call 929-515-6795.

In His Service,

The Reverend Hieromonk Sophronios Vomend
Presiding Priest

Andrew V. George
Parish Council President